Mask Wearing Tips and Tricks

  • Connexions
  • 2020-07-31
  • 2170

With the new normal of social distancing and sheltering in our homes, there are added complications to doing even simple tasks. This can raise the question of when and where you should be wearing a mask, if at all. In addition to this question, it’s also hard to keep up with the do’s and don’ts of mask etiquette, as they have rapidly changed during the past weeks. Below you’ll find some quick and easy tips to help answer these questions and more.

When to Wear

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that everyone wear a cloth face mask in public settings where it may be difficult to maintain social distancing. This includes places like the grocery store or the pharmacy. Since it is extremely unlikely that you will catch COVID-19 from passing someone on your daily walk around your neighborhood in open air, it’s may not be necessary to wear a mask during your outdoor time. However, it’s important to remember to maintain social distancing of at least six feet with zero physical contact even if outside.

What to Wear

Homemade cloth masks are recommended for the general public and those not working in direct patient care. These types of masks can be made from fabric, a t-shirt, bandanas, a sock, etc. There are countless options that you can make your mask from. To learn more about how to make your own mask, visit the CDC here.

How to Wear

You should remember that masks are only effective when you combine them with frequent hand washing and proper wearing technique. Face masks should fit tightly yet comfortably on the sides of your face and be secured behind the ears or with ties. It is important that your mask consist of several layers of fabric, but also allow you to breathe without restriction. You should never compromise a mask by wearing it in a way that is more “comfortable.” 

Your mask should always cover your nose and your mouth.

You should wash and dry your cloth mask routinely depending on frequency of use. It’s also important to remember that masks should only be worn on people over the age of two years old.

Storing Your Mask

When putting your mask on and removing it, there are also steps to follow to ensure your safety. Always wash your hands first and remove the mask by the straps carefully then immediately wash your mask. Experts have also suggested that you store your mask in a coffee filter or paper bag when not in use. 

To make a place to store your mask out of a brown paper bag, cut the bag in half, cut slits half way down each corner of the bag, and fold the newly formed flaps down. The loops of your mask can be put over the smaller flaps.


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