People at higher risk of exposure and more severe illness

  • 2020-11-09
  • 1949

If you're at higher risk of more severe illness if you get COVID-19 or exposure to COVID-19 because of your work or living situation, you should wear a non-medical mask or face covering that includes a layer of filter fabric or a replaceable filter.
Consider wearing a medical mask if one is available to you.
Medical masks are face coverings that make medical claims of reducing or preventing COVID-19 for the user. They're regulated as Class I medical devices.
             Children and masks
Children under the age of 2 should not wear masks or face coverings.
Between the ages of 2 and 5, children may be able to wear a mask if supervised. This will depend on their ability to tolerate it as well as put it on and take it off.
Children older than 5 should wear one in situations or settings where they're recommended.
            Hearing impairments and clear masks
If you're hearing impaired, or interact with people who use lip-reading to communicate, consider wearing a clear mask.
If a clear mask isn't available:
use written communication, closed captioning or decrease background noise as much as possibleif writing, don't share writing items
maintain at least a 2-metre distance if you must rely on lip-reading to communicateonly the person speaking should remove their mask while communicating
Clear masks can also be used in settings where facial expression is an important part of communication.

           Appropriate use and storage
Masks and face coverings are only effective if worn properly. Uncovering your nose or mouth while wearing one:
eliminates any protection it may offer
allows you to breathe in and exhale potentially infectious respiratory droplets
Don't hang the mask or face covering from your ears or place it under your chin.
It's important to keep your mask or face covering clean when not in use, or when eating or drinking.
Store it in a clean paper or cloth bag until you put it on again.
Soiled masks or face coverings should be placed in a secure, waterproof bag or container until they can be washed in the laundry.

         Safety considerations
When wearing a non-medical mask or face covering:
don't use non-medical masks or face coverings that can't be removed quickly and safely if necessary
don't share non-medical masks or face coverings with others
don't use non-medical masks or face coverings that impair vision or interfere with tasks
don't place a non-medical mask or face covering on children under the age of 2
don't use non-medical masks or face coverings made of non-breathable materials
don't secure non-medical masks or face coverings with tape or other inappropriate materials
don't use non-medical masks or face coverings made of materials that easily fall apart, such as tissues
don't place a non-medical mask or face covering on anyone:who's unable to remove it without assistance
who has trouble breathing

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