Taiwan businessmen's donation of face masks has received a heartening response

  • 2020-11-26
  • 2028

The outbreak worsened on the eve of the Us Thanksgiving holiday.The American Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles donated masks to the city of Torrance today, and the mayor read the words "Taiwan, love" on the sign. "We received this love and hope to pass it on to you," he said.

Since June, the American Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles has launched the "Million masks for Greater Los Angeles" campaign to buy Taiwan-made medical-grade masks and donate them, station by station, to police departments, fire departments, public offices, hospitals and nursing homes in the Greater Los Angeles area. In five months, it has run 11 organizations.

As the epidemic eased, the donation came to an end.However, since the beginning of autumn, the coVID-19 (Wuhan Pneumonia) epidemic has worsened. Today, Los Angeles County, with a population of 10 million, registered a new high of 6,124 cases of coVID-19 in one day, surpassing the peak of over 4,000 in July. Taiwanese businesses have started to donate face masks again.

Chan, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, presented 30,000 Taiwanese-made medical masks today in front of the city of Torrance, just south of Los Angeles County, and Mayor Patrick J. Furey reciprocated with a thank-you note.

Thanksgiving Day 26 will come, except California has ordered, 20 night after 10 PM curfew.Los Angeles County, 25 PM from 10 PM for 3 weeks, restaurants and bars only take-out, banned outdoor dining areas.

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