What size should a face mask be for a child?

  • 2021-04-13
  • 1854

Face masks have become the most popular accessories that everyone (including kids!) should own, and with good reason: studies have shown that people without symptoms can spread the coronavirus when they cough, sneeze, or even speak. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends anyone over the age of 2 wear a face mask whenever it's difficult to keep a safe distance around others, and many state and local governments are making it a requirement for public places.

While you can certainly buy a face mask for your child, there are some perks to sewing your own at home. First off, you get to choose your own fabric to make sure your kid will love it (from a design and comfort perspective). It can also be more cost effective: children may be wearing a face mask every day if they're heading back to school, so you'll likely need several on hand because you should wash them between uses. Not to mention, face mask orders sometimes take a while to ship due to high demand.

Since toddlers as young as 2 may be wearing face masks, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Here are the measurements for a child's face mask based on two different age groups, and the printable patterns for both can be found here. Learn more at:  https://img.connexions-tech.com/product/detail/FFP2-Protective-Mask---Kids-Size---CE-1463.html

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